December 27, 2008

Hello Tweeps! It's that time of year
To spread a little Twitter cheer
So yelp a carol you holiday hollerers
For my fantastic fans and fellow followers

So hello @LeeSonko (Twitter-hater!)
@rickabruzzo, see you later,
Sing hosannas to @MissySB,
@ekai, @dafkah, @aviddd

(If I've mispronounced your handle
Please be kind: don't throw a sandal
Send me corrections via DM
So that no one else will see 'em)

Ring in the year with vigor and vim
and charming folks like @sfslim
May @laughingsquid's tentacles be a-sway
Across the Bay and far away

So @Mister_Robotics, here's a shout
@rainesmaker knows what it's about
@jamesburns00 here's a thanky
To @jdavid and @spanktar's Spanky.

And here is wishing leather weather
To @bobigail, @jong, @basmatiheather
And a mellow new year, never harsh, all
With compliments to @ccmarshall

Signed ints suck, unsigned are great
(At least for @coder32768)
Greets to @coreyfro who earns good karma
@jetdillo too (but where's the arma-?)

To @ctpctp and @michaelshiloh:
May your output pins go high/low
And code compile, no need to worry
@erikswedberg, @bre, and @k0re

Da @Dostoyevsky, and no complaint
To graceful loser @JohnMcTaint
It's the New Year so time to check
@Exploratorium and @SFMusicTech

@MarinLocalMusic is the reason
For lovely sounds in any season
Send some cheer now anyhow
To @Dangerangel and @vniow

Hail fellows, I trust you are well met
@leifmale, @dubslife, not least @zarbet
Four parts gin and one vermouth
Strained with ice for @NathanBooth

Nuevo año! Happy new year yo,
To @cotygonzales and @criollo
(Is that chocolate, caste, or horse?
Or maybe even all, of course!)

The holidays: what better cause
To send good greetings to @teiwaz
Cheers and howdy and good-on-yas
To @burstein, @catcubed, @dvrogers

Rarer than the finest gold
Are @jennalex and @erlingwold
Hope to see you more this year
@j_admo, never fear!

Hello Vienna! Here's a wish
To see @roboexoticus and @feuerfisch
And who is that there getting winks
In the hat of hawt? It's @frugalbinx!

In '09 @escapeberkeley on a run
With @jacktrade, @jesshobbs and @satiredun
Or maybe it could be a race
Between @Mitchell_H and @NIMBYSPACE

See @theburningman wear of @yasimak
Causing mum a heart attack:
Megaphone mangled without cause:
New year replacement? Send to @yoz!

So @stevenharrison gets a verse
All to himself. Hope nothing worse!
Cheers to @mprados, metal whiz
Also to charming @ninavizz!

Hope the new year will bring smiles all
To the @hatfactory and to @milesl
Though he's not on Jimmy Kimmel,
Here's a shout to friendly @wiml

Yummy stuff? I'm a fan, says
@rrmutt of @rachelannyes
And don't forget to send some bacon
To @neoptolomus and @ohagan

Let's not forget our robot friends
@PersonalLife and @playtm
When you revolt, @transBot too,
Remember I was nice to you

With make-up just a littly showy,
New year's BRAINNNNS to @zombieXzoe
Hoping his show's not in ze tank
Holiday wishes to @zefrank

And so this Twitter verse is done
#darwin bless you, every one!


December 20, 2008


Chassis am Wien

So we took Chassis to Roboexotica, the International Festival Of Cocktail Robotics, over there in Vienna. An awesome time was had by all, as might be seen in these pictures by Eddie Codel. Special thanks to Magnus of Shifz and Franz and Johannes of monochrom, and to Chris Veigl for helping us finagle Austrian beer fittings!

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